We are proud to announce that the book Student Affairs and Services in Higher Education: Global Foundations, Issues, and Best Practices, 3rd edition is now available to the wider public!
The book, presented by the International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) and published by Deutshes Studentenwerk (DSW), saw the collaboration of more than 250 contributors to create a comprehensive guide for both graduate students and professionals in Higher Education.

The book is a reference for every actor in the Higher Education sector: it includes reports and materials about student affairs services and practices from over 125 countries in the world and addresses the most comprehensive range of topics connected to Student Affairs and Services. EucA, specifically, wrote one of the informative chapters about the Italian case in the section “Unique delivery systems in student affairs and services around the world” and the chapters “Career Services and Employment” and “Community Service and Service Learning”.
This 3rd edition focuses on ways to build an effective student affairs and services operation that puts students at the centre of all efforts by supporting them in their academic endeavours and enhancing their personal, social, cultural, and cognitive development. It aims to help professionals deliver a high quality, well rounded higher learning experience and to increase students’ retention and progress toward graduation. In addition, it wants to enhance students’ career/employment prospects and lifelong learning interests while conducting a life as a responsible, contributing community member and citizen.