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Student Leaders Meet in Budapest

Over 50 Student Leaders met in Budapest last weekend for the second edition of the Student Leadership Bootcamp in Budapest, Hungary.  Fresh ideas and a passion for being together with others drove change and led the positive vibes of groups of students in the present toward their future. 

Co-funded by the European Union and co-organized with Rajk, DigitEdu, and Corvinus University,  the event brought together a diverse team of student leaders representing a variety of cultures and collegiate traditions: a perfect opportunity for Student Leaders of the EucA network to meet and share their experiences

Students had the chance to lead their own sessions, presenting innovative ideas, practices, and challenges from their colleges or halls of residence—a good moment to reflect and restart.

An inspiring start to a bright future for most of them and for their colleagues with whom they share the Collegiate Life. 

The event continues online. If you have leadership positions in your College please contact us to learn more about the future activities we’re cooking for you!


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