Navigating Uncertain Times: Global Perspectives on Staff Support in Student Affairs"
EucA is pleased to invite you to join the first webinar of the NASPA's Global Division Seasonal Series: "Navigating Uncertain Times: Global Perspectives on Staff Support in Student Affairs"
It will take place on 16 June at 16.00 CEST
The webinar will offer perspectives from a panel of experienced international Student Affairs Professionals to share ideas and discuss key current issues as: - teamwork during recent months - management of overwhelmed teams - challenges and impact of the outbreak in the different Regions and Institutions - promising practices (policies, routines, tools, etc) with positive impact - learned experiences and things to avoid in the future - sources of inspirations (thought leaders, associations, websites, podcasts, etc.) The Webinar will be moderated by Kevin Kruger President of NASPA following an introduction on the Global Division from William Young, the Global Division Director.
Introduction: William Young - Director, Global Division Moderator:
Kevin Kruger, Ph.D. - President,
NASPA Canada: Jennie Massey, Ph.D. - Associate Vice President (Student Affairs)
Egypt: George Marquis, Ph.D. - Dean of Students
Italy: Luciano Saso, Ph.D. - Vice Rector for European University Network
Lebanon: Charbel Tarraf -Associate Dean of Student Affairs
South Africa: Saloschini Pillay, Ph.D. - Manager Student Support Services
Tajikistan: Shabana Manji, Manager Student Affairs
USA: Sunny Lee, Ph.D. - Assistant Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students To register and for more details click here
