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Book your CV Check now!

Updated: May 28, 2020

Are you stressing out about how to write your CV as you are about to approach the job market?

Then, we have two good news for you!

First, you’re NOT the only one! We all have been stuck at least once in our life in front of a blank page, wondering where and how to start to write a CV able to capture all the professional skills and qualities to impress HRs and employers.

Second, EucA is right here to help YOU! We have just launched a FREE CV CHECK service to help you build the successful resume you always tried to write! 

Through a 30-minutes 1-on-1 meeting with the an EucA staff member, you will get a comprehensive review of your CV, objective feedback on your skills and expertise and personalised recommendations on how to make it stand out and capture the HR’s attention! 

If you are an EucA student or alumni, you will enjoy the CV Check for FREE!

But the opportunity is open to everyone, so share it with family, friends, acquaintances… everyone who you think might need our help!


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