How do the UN Sustainable Development Goals impact the life of young people?
The guiding question of the final event of Be The Change, the Erasmus+ Project designed to enhance the exchange and the implementation of innovative practices for Soft Skills development in the framework of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (17 SDGs) is challenging.
Young people are the main beneficiaries of the actions taken all over the world under the SDGs umbrella but meanwhile they are the principal architects of the future. Their involvement as leaders in new initiatives of environmental and social impact is therefore crucial.
The event, organised by EucA and AIESEC and will take place online and in person on 23 February at 18h30, trying to open a debate among experts and students.
Both associations are already contributing to reach some of these goals thanks to their involvement in education and soft skills development with the students.
You can join the event in presence or online by registering or contacting l.dibenedetti@euca.eu
- Address: Aula Magna Celimontano (Via Bezzecca 10, Roma) on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 at 6:30 pm.