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More than 150 participants from over 25 countries attended the fifth annual European Conference for Student Affairs and Services (#ECSAS23) in the vibrant city of Thessaloniki, Greece, on 9-11 November 2023!

Co-organized by NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and Perrotis College, the conference, once again, demonstrated the passion, interest, and innovative spirit of its participants. Attendees engaged in enriching discussions, shared valuable experiences and contributed with their knowledge to make #ECSAS23 one of the standout events for Student Affairs professionals worldwide.

The overarching theme of the conference – centered around advancing #StudentSuccess and contemplating the future of skills – sets the stage for a new chapter that begins today.

Participants returned to their respective institutions with fresh perspectives, ideas, and a renewed commitment to making a difference in students' lives.

Kevin Kruger, one of the key speakers and NASPA outgoing president, captured the essence of the work undertaken by Student Affairs professionals:

“This work is a calling. You all do it for the passion and belief that you can make a difference in someone’s life.”

The conference emphasized that this shared mission is not undertaken alone; instead, it is a collective effort supported by a global community dedicated to making a positive impact.

Looking ahead, the commitment to fostering #StudentSuccess continues, with promises of more networking and learning opportunities on the horizon.

The conversations sparked in Thessaloniki are not confined to the conference walls; they are catalysts for positive change in Student Affairs.


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