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Madrid, 16-19 November

The fourth European Conference for Student Affairs and Services 2021, organised by EucA in collaboration with NASPA and Colegio Mayor Francisco de Vitoria, gathered the past week more than 120 participants in Madrid coming from 20 countries all over the world.

The three days conference offered the participants the possibility to meet again and discuss innovative programs, practices, models, and trends in student affairs. This year’s theme was The Role of Student Affairs in a Hyper-Connected World.

During the conference, some attendants were involved as speakers presenting sessions based on their specific areas of expertise: Student Advising and Support, Students' Well-Being, Next Education Challenges, Students’ Success & Residential Life.

​​The concurrent sessions and networking lounge were a unique opportunity to get deeper into the topics and network in small groups. Remarkably thought-provoking the panels from Francisco de Vitoria professionals on: “Expanded reason, Humanities, and Personal accompaniment as answers to the challenges of current higher education”, “Tools for Students’ Advising and Support”, and “Social responsibility, active citizenship and ethics in higher education”.

Moreover, the keynote speeches were very inspiring and practical. Kevin Kruger, President of NASPA, the leading association of Student Affairs in the USA, opened the conference by talking about Post-Pandemic Higher Education, covering essential topics like post-covid and students’ mental health & development and GenZ’s newer challenges to SAS professionals.

On the other hand, Angela Batista, CEO of Batista Consulting Services, held a presentation about the Reshaping of Student Affairs: Leveraging Connections and Learning with Heart.

EucA also offered an overview of one of its most ambitious projects foreseen for September 2023: the second edition of its Master's Programme in “Student Affairs & Services” for Professionals in SAS, and a brand new EU-funded project, “GenZ votes”, for its students, among many other events and activities. More info will be published soon.

There was also space to relax and have fun. Shared meals in Spanish restaurants, a networking dinner in a sophisticated hotel at the center of Madrid, or a flamenco spectacle & Reina Sofía Museum tour were some of the activities that participants enjoyed the most.

The organisation of the Conference confirms once again the role of EucA as a leader in Europe in Student Affairs and Services. Thanks to its high-level partnerships with Associations as NASPA, EucA promotes the American model in Europe, facilitates exchanges among professionals and supports the internationalisation of the European Halls of Residences.

For more content on #ECSAS22 Madrid, you can check out our photo gallery right here.

See you next year in Thessaloniki, Greece!


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