CALL FOR PROGRAMS OPEN! Attend as a presenter the next EucA and NASPA (Virtual) European Conference for Student Affairs and Services on 18-20 November!
NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, EucA – European university college Association, invite you to submit programs* for the European Conference for Student Affairs and Services. It will take place online on 18-20 Nov.
Priority deadline for submissions 21 August 2020.
Regular deadline for submissions 15 September 2020
The conference provides a platform for student services professionals, academics, researchers, and policy makers to discuss innovative programs, practices, models and trends in Student Affairs guided by the following topics:
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Employability & Career Services
-Global Mobility
- Mental Health & Well-being
-Student Success &Residential Life
*Presenters whose proposals are accepted must register for the conference.
