EucA encourages the international exchanges and the mobility of Higher Education students, scholars and academics in Europe and around the world.
Experiencing another country, University and Institutions provides a great opportunity to grow as a person and as a professional: you can understand and engage with people with different cultures, share ideas, work to solve global challenges and learn a language.
Student's international mobility is highly beneficial not only for the students themselves, but also for the further development of the society. The aim of international mobility is in fact also to contribute for the growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion of the countries and to promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education.

30 years ago the most famous programme of International mobility for students was established in Europe: the Erasmus. From 1987 more than 3 million students in Europe have taken part to the programmes in more than 4000 universities. Erasmus+ has opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries.
The project E-QUA carried on by EucA and partners wanted to propose solutions to one of the most common barriers that limits the efficacy of Erasmus and students’ mobility experiences: accommodation.
The project proposed not only a logistical solution to mobility students but wanted to wide and replicate the successful model of the Halls of Residence: a complete set of services, tutoring, educational and human pathways, language learning and living in multicultural environments and situations.