European Adventurers:
Brainstorm Your Future Europe

Become an EU-Projects Designer!
Come join EucA for an epic experience as the creator of your own European youth experience!
Have you ever dreamed of the perfect international initiative for you and your friends, but never found one that meets all your needs? Join us and co-create your future European adventure!
You can help us shape our next projects for the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme)!
NEW Deadline! 2 December 2022
We are looking for a group of young people to join our team and help us design innovative and engaging activities for this programme!
The upcoming call for proposals under CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme): a program based on Active Citizenship and Civic Engagement that aims to build an empowered civil society.
All EucA students and alumni are welcome! Just some requirements…
Willingness to make a change.
Fluency in English.
University student or alumni from an EucA member (priority to current EucA students).
1h 30 availability for an online meeting taking place on 7 December 2022
If you have the drive we are looking for, join us and register by filling in this form.
*This project certifies international training hours to participating college students.
Once the deadline is over, you will receive news from us!
We are looking forward to hear your ideas!
Any question?
Contact us!