CREATIVE AND SAFE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS is an ERASMUS+ project created to promote a safe, respectful and creative use of social networks in young people.
From 16 to 20 September 2019 25 youth workers, who have experience and interest in the use of the Internet, in non-formal education and in the promotion of courses with young people, met to learn methodologies and didactic techniques in digital and methodological key competences.
The participants put into practice the knowledge and methods acquired, will then facilitate in their countries and organisations a positive online space where the young behave in a respectful way with others, protect themselves and look for positive opportunities to connect.
The improvement of digital competences is based on the following principles:
● Digital education for young people called "digital natives" based on criteria of healthy and safe use and social networks.
● Technological applications through games and dynamics on digital reputation, communication, empathy, respect in the network. Interchange of tools.
● Approach to concepts such as: cyberbullying (harassment through Social Networks) or Grooming (situation of sexual abuse and manipulation), phishing, sexting, nomophobia and derived risks.
Five social entities are the partners of the project: Fundación de la comunidad valenciana estudio y cultura-ESYCU (Spain), Stowarzyszenie Krzewenia Edukacjii Kultury Dziesiatka (Poland), EucA, European university college Association (Belgium), Zavod Druzba in Kultura, zavod za vzgojo, znanost, izobrazevanje in kulturo (Slovenia), Iniciativi za grajdansko obshtestvo (Bulgaria).
Each partner has proven experiences in regards to youth themes, the applied use of ICT and awareness campaigns.
Do you want to contribute to the project? Click here below to submit a survey on the use of Social Networks.